Due to COVID-19, many of our healthy food programs are paused or operating differently from previous years. Please see each program's page for details.The Depot’s Emergency Food Baskets are available to anyone living within our service territory (H3X, H3Z, H4A, H4B, H4V, H4W, H4X) who is struggling to afford enough food for themselves or their family. Emergency food baskets are currently offered as home deliveries, by appointment only. Please click here to request an appointment. You can also request an appointment by leaving a voicemail at 514-483-4680. We will return your call within 1 full business day. If you are on facebook, you can follow us for up-to-date information. You can also call us at 514 483-4680 or email us at info@depotmtl.org with any questions. To find out how to support our COVID-19 efforts, click here. Please stay safe and call 1 877 644-4545 if you are feeling ill. Wishing everyone the best. |
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