Social Justice Club

Connect- Learn- Support- Act 

Together to transform our neighbourhood. 

The Social Justice Club (SJC) is a community group of The Depot. SJC participants meet regularly at the Depot to discuss social justice issues* and to imagine, together, ways to initiate change in our neighbourhood. 

*Social justice: Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges within a society. 

The group is open to all. So that we may have a group that represents the diversity of the population, we encourage people who identify with one or more marginalized or minority groups* to take part in our meetings 

*Marginalized/minority groups include, but are not limited to: women; Aboriginal, Black or racialized people; LGBTQA+ people; religious minorities; people with disabilities; people with “lower” social status or class, etc. 

How the SJC works: 

Every month the SJC will be focusing on a specific social justice topic. For each topic the SJC will be providing workshops, volunteer opportunities, peer support groups, meet ups and other opportunities. To see what is offered please visit our Social Justice Calendar

Note: It is not necessary to attend all events to be a member.

Whether you start at Connect, Learn, Support or Act, the path of Social Justice has no one direction. There is not one way to do social justice. These individual acts make up a cohesive and well rounded approach to activism. 

If you are new to Activism and (or) the Depot Community we recommend you start your social justice practice at Connect. Otherwise, start at whichever point speaks to you the most!